5-6 September, Warsaw, Poland

Ms. Erinda Ballanca People's Advocate of Albania, on September 5-6, 2022 in Warsaw, Poland participated in the round table organized by the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), where it was discussed about strengthening the sustainability of HRIs, with the participation of National Human Rights Institutions (HRIs), from all over Europe and beyond.
In this activity, it was assessed how to cope with the threats faced by NHRIs, and how to build during this process, strong, effective and independent institutions, which are so essential for guaranteeing the promotion and protection of the Rights of Man.
People's Advocate of Albania, Mrs. Erinda Ballanca, participated as speaker at the conference where she shared the experiences of the Institution of the People's Advocate in the face of the risks and threats faced by its stability.